CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Below are some of the advice for you who are taking exams!!!

Studying Methods


here's some exam tips i found online..i'm not gonna recommend mystudy in tips coz its all warped and wrong..like coffee and latenights =X so erm, IDEALLY, this would be it:

Students with better study methods and strategies score higher ontheir exams.Everyone is different, different methods work for different people the following are only suggestions on improving upon your currentstudying techniques.

It is best to review the material right after class when it's still fresh in your memory.

Don't try to do all your studying the night before the test, instead space out your studying, review class materials at least several times a week, focusing on one topic at a time.

Have all of your study material in front of you: lecture notes,course textbooks, study guides and any other relevant material.

Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little distractions (try avoiding your own bed; it is very tempting to just lie down and take a nap).

Start out by studying the most important information.

Learn the general concepts first; don't worry about learning the details until you have learned the main ideas.

Take notes and write down a summary of the important ideas as you read through your study material.

Take short breaks frequently, you memory retains the information that you study at the beginning and the end better than what youstudy in the middle.

Space out your studying, you'll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute. By studying everyday, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if youtry to study at the last moment, the material will only reside inyour short-term memory that you'll easily forget.

Make sure that you understand the material well, don't just read through the material and try to memorize everything.

If you choose to study in a group, only study with others who are serious about the test.

Test yourself or have someone test you on the material to find outwhat your weak and strong areas are. You can use the reviewquestions at the end of each chapter or practice tests the teachermay give out as well as other materials.

Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a lowvolume can relieve some of the boredom of studying.

Don't study later than the time you usually go to sleep, you may fall asleep or be tempted to go to sleep, instead try studying in the afternoon or early evening. If you are a morning person try studying in the morning.

Contributed By:
Ng Lee Huan Geraldine

MCQ Exam Tips

Thought this might be a good read for those mcq papers you have to tackle. =)Multiple choice exam tips

General Rule: Break each question into the stem and the alternatives.Get an understanding of the stem before looking at and choosing analternative. Underline key terms and clue words in the stem. When yourun into vague terminology, define in your own words. Think of the correct answer and then look for it among the alternatives.

1. Don't guess too soon! You must select not only a correct answer,but the best answer. It is therefore important that you read all of the options and not stop when you come upon one that seems likely.

2. You must select not only a technically correct answer, but the most completely correct answer. Since "all of the above" and "none of the above" are very inclusive statements, these options, when used,tend to be correct more often than would be predicted by chance alone.

3. Be wary of options which include unqualified absolutes suchas "never," "always," "is," "are," "guarantees," "ensures." Such statements are highly restrictive and very difficult to defend. They are rarely (though they may sometimes be) correct options.

4. The less frequently stated converse of the above is that carefully qualified, conservative, or "guarded" statements tend to be correct more often than would be predicted by chance alone. Other things being equal, favor options containing such qualifying phrases as "may sometimes be," or "can occasionally result in."

5. Be wary of the extra-long or "jargony option." These are frequently used as decoys.

6. Use your knowledge of common prefixes, suffixes, and word roots to make intelligent guesses about terminology that you don't know. Aknowledge of the prefix "hyper," for instance, would clue you that hypertension refers to high, not low, blood pressure.

7. Be alert to give-aways in grammatical construction. The correct answer to an item stem which ends in "an" would obviously be an option starting with a vowel. Watch also for agreement of subject sand verbs.

8. Utilize information and insights that you've acquired in working through the entire test to go back and answer earlier items that you weren't sure of.

9. If you are not certain of an answer, guess... but do so methodically. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, then relate each alternative back to the stem of the question to see if itfits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives and then compare them and identify how they differ. Finally, make an informed guess.

10. If you have absolutely no idea what the answer is, can't use any of the above techniques, and there is no scoring penalty for guessing, choose option B or C. Studies indicate that these are correct slightly more often than would be predicted by chance alone.

11. When you get "all the above," "none of the above," or "a,b, not c" type questions, treat each alternative as a true-false questionand relate it back to the question stem.

12. Think the answer is wrong? Maybe you should change it? Studies indicate that when students change their answers they usually change them to the wrong answer. Therefore, if you were fairly certain you were correct the first time, leave the answer as it is.

MCQ Exam tips contributed by:
Ann Gomez
Bio-Chem year 1

Secret Concortion(Try this!!!)

hy guys..here's my exam tips...

if u feel dizzy after reading your lecture notes for the whole day,
do not consume medicine like panadol or ect...
isotonic drinks can help you to reduce those dizziness...
mix 100plus or pocari sweat with water (1:2),
and drink it,and take a rest for 30min or take a nap...
u'll get better after that..
dizziness can be caused by losing too much ion when you are studying
(sometimeswe force our brain to think right??)...
the isotonic can help you regain thoselost ions...
and it won't give you any harm because it will become less carbonated after you mix it with water..
having panadol to overcome the dizziness may cause a kind of "addicted" because you tend get dizzy easier later and you will need another panadol...

do not drink "red bull" or energy drink, because it contains lots of caffein and will disturb your brain schedule..
because after you drink it, you are fully energized,
too much ions will be drawn from your body,
causing less focus to study for the next module...

do not suddenly change your daily schedule during your exam period because it will mess up your brain schedule...
if you are used to sleep late at night, do that during exam...
if you do not eat breakfast before morning lecture,
do not eat too before your morning exam...

cheers...happy exam....

Secret Concortion contributed by
Stellora Sunyobi
BIE year 2

Above are some of the Exam tips from the Publicity Subcomms.
Good Luck and All the best for your exams!!

To Uphold God's Image with Creativity and Love.

Monday, October 29, 2007

CSA Retreat 2007

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

How are you all doing? Fine? I pray that you all are doing fine despite the quizzes, projects, reports, and other compulsory stuffs that you need to do as a student. Or maybe not so much as a student, but as a part of a community or an organization, be it CSA or any other community or organization. May God bless all of our work that all those can be used for His glory.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the purpose of this writing is to invite you to CSA retreat 2007 that is going to be held right after the exams on 3-5 December 2007 at the church of Saint Teresa. Why should we have a retreat after we just have finished the semester? While it is a practical thing to do since it is holiday, it is more on because we need a quite time to reflect on our journey of life, be it our journey in the semester that will have just passed, or be it our journey of life as a whole. This will bring us closer to God and to the others, such as our family, friends, or maybe those outside there that we may previously do not care. This is true because a deepening relationship with God should also bring us closer to the others. Therefore, that is why occasional retreat is very healthy for our spirituality and happiness. Not to mention for others, indirectly.

The theme of the upcoming retreat is Footprints: The way back home. What does this theme signify? Footprints signifies reflection and home signifies the home of love and peace that we ran away from. Picture the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11 – 32) who ran away from his father's house into some foreign land just to waste his father's money in reckless living. We, in some way, are also like the prodigal son, who ran away from His grace and focused on our reckless living. Therefore, during the retreat, we are going to trace our footprints back in which we may hope that this will lead us back to our father's home, where we will find the true happiness inside.

Last but not least is that, of course, in our journey (be it our journey of life, or our retreat journey), we will not be lonely. Just as it is depicted in the poster, the love of Jesus will be with us always. He who is patient, loving, and faithful.

Best regards,

Gibran Limi Jaya
CSA 17'th Executive Committee
Spiritual Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dear brothers and sisters,

Pax et Bonum!

I was browsing through one of my favorite blog, written by Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston. In one homily at the Mass for the altar server during the past week, he mentioned this beautiful quotation from St. Augustine of Hippo, "Without God, I cannot; without me, God will not." To me, this describes how important it is to work together with God.

I remember a story about a man who rows his boat in the middle of a lake. The right paddle is called "Prayer" and the left paddle is called "Work". When he rows the boat with only the right paddle or the left paddle only, he finds himself turning around an endless circle; he could not move forward. It is only when he rows the boat with both paddle that he could move forward.

It is the same as our lives. We could not have only the work life, nor could we have only the prayer life. But we need to have both. Without God, we can do nothing. But without us asking from God for every grace that we need, He will not give.

This also applies to our lives as a missionaries, ambassadors of Christ to everyone we meet. We are all sent to proclaim the good news to all people, to be the ambassadors of peace to everyone we meet. Without us, God will not do anything. You cannot say the prayer, "Thy kingdom come," without making yourself available for the missions that we are all entrusted in.

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Adhika Lie
17th ExCo
Publication Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dear brothers and sisters,

Pax et Bonum!

Time really flies so fast, we are only one month from exam. I asked myself some questions that I would like to share with you all. These are some of those questions.

In the midst of studying, have I really spent the time wisely? God has given me the grace of time. I have been given 24 hours a day and 60 minutes an hour; have I used my time to glorify God alone, in my study, in my daily life, in my prayer life? Or have I taken time for granted? Instead of using my time wisely, have I used my time just like the stupid man in Luke 12:13-21?

Have I made God as the center of my life and the Lord of my life? Have I put aside some of my time to really look for him? Or More often have I just said a quick prayer before I went to bed? Shouldn't I, instead of giving him a point of time when I am really tired, give him, the creator and owner of all time, the time when I am at my best? Do I look forward to weekend because of it is the time that I could meet God in the holy communion or do I look forward to weekend because that's the time when I am not supposed to be studying?

Well, perhaps it's too much to be reflected during these days when we are really busy catching up subjects, doing projects, preparing for exam but at least I believe all of us want to be a better person next semester.

The ExCo invites you to come to the CSA retreat that will be held right after the exam, 3 - 5 December 2007 at St. Theresa Church. The retreat takes the theme, "Footprints: Our way back home." Let's examine our past semester and just like the prodigal son we come up and say to the Father, "Father, I have sinned against you and against heaven; I no longer deserve to be called your son, treat me as one of your paid servants." In the end, it's our merciful Father will say, "This son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found!"

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Adhika Lie
17th ExCo
Publication Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"

Friday, October 05, 2007


Dear brothers and sisters,

Ave Maria, gratia plena! Dominus te cum!
(Hail Mary, full of Grace! The Lord is with you!)

Recess week is finally over and here we are, the beginning of the 2nd half of the term. The 2nd half begins on October 1st and coincidentally, it is the beginning of the month of Rosary. During this month we are all encouraged to pray the rosary, not only to honor Mary, but also to imitate her, which is the most important thing. Mother Mary is the first among believers and she set an example for us on how to live our faith in our lives.

From age to age, rosary has been proven to be powerful to destroy vice, decrease sins, and defeats heresies. St. Dominic, the founder of order of preacher, is very well known to defeat the heresies with the power of rosary. It is the promise of our Blessed Mother that she will help us to decrease sins. Therefore, in this very blessed month, I invite you all to spend some time to pray the rosary. Living in the campus, we have been very blessed to have the lunch time rosary held from Monday to Thursday, 1230 PM at Nanyang Auditorium. Come and spend 15 minutes of your lunch time to pray the rosary for the Church's needs, the world peace and all our needs. It is our own beloved Mother who will bring up our needs to her son, Jesus Christ. Just like the saying goes "Per Mariam ad Jesum!"
Moreover, we can also spend some time during our leisure time to read up some articles on the rosary itself. I have found this website to be very informative.

So, entering the 2nd half of the semester again, let us pray together, asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother:

"Ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen."
(Pray for us sinners, now at the hour of our death. Amen)

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Adhika Lie
17th ExCo
Publication Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"