CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Dear brothers and sisters,

Ave Maria, gratia plena! Dominus te cum!
(Hail Mary, full of Grace! The Lord is with you!)

Recess week is finally over and here we are, the beginning of the 2nd half of the term. The 2nd half begins on October 1st and coincidentally, it is the beginning of the month of Rosary. During this month we are all encouraged to pray the rosary, not only to honor Mary, but also to imitate her, which is the most important thing. Mother Mary is the first among believers and she set an example for us on how to live our faith in our lives.

From age to age, rosary has been proven to be powerful to destroy vice, decrease sins, and defeats heresies. St. Dominic, the founder of order of preacher, is very well known to defeat the heresies with the power of rosary. It is the promise of our Blessed Mother that she will help us to decrease sins. Therefore, in this very blessed month, I invite you all to spend some time to pray the rosary. Living in the campus, we have been very blessed to have the lunch time rosary held from Monday to Thursday, 1230 PM at Nanyang Auditorium. Come and spend 15 minutes of your lunch time to pray the rosary for the Church's needs, the world peace and all our needs. It is our own beloved Mother who will bring up our needs to her son, Jesus Christ. Just like the saying goes "Per Mariam ad Jesum!"
Moreover, we can also spend some time during our leisure time to read up some articles on the rosary itself. I have found this website to be very informative.

So, entering the 2nd half of the semester again, let us pray together, asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother:

"Ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen."
(Pray for us sinners, now at the hour of our death. Amen)

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Adhika Lie
17th ExCo
Publication Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"


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