CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Monday, September 25, 2006

It's recess, yay!!! How's it going???

Hello all, this is Gibran. First post here, hahaha.
First 'official' day of recess ;p, how is it going?? Get steady and we can finish our assignments or review the lectures. A refreshing activity is also recommended (Let's join the Construction Phase One this thursday!! Details on E-miracle. Hahaha, small advertisement lol)
Actually I already would like to create a post some time ago, but I think the 'ACTS 2006 and Beyond' article is really good. Dun want anybody to miss it. Have you checked it out?

Hmm, just would like to share sumthin. I got a pretty good piece of psalm some days ago. It is Psalm 19 : 12-14. Here it goes:

"Who can detect heedless failing?
Cleanse me from my unknown faults.
But from willful sins keep Your servant;
let them never control me.
Then shall I be blameless,
innocent of grave sin.
Let the words of my mouth meet with Your favor,
keep the thoughts of my heart before You,
Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

That's it. How's it?
For me, it shows a very form of dependence to God.
We as human do sins. Sometimes it is something that we do not realize. Sometimes it is something that we are willful to do. Then the writer of this psalm really express his hope on God to help him/her to do God's will in form of this prayer. Yes, God saves us from our sins. Let's pray for it.
Hope this is useful to you.

Oh yeah, Alvin goes back to his homecountry because he has a family business.
He really apologizes for his inability to be with us this recess.

Yup, that's all. I hope for the best for all of you in this week. And most importantly, God Bless!!!

~Let Us Build the House of God~

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lost + Found

Announcement! Yesterday after mass, we found a pencil case whose owner is unknown. I take a photo of the pencil case. Here it is:So, if any of you think that it is yours just let me know. You can contact me at alvin.pandrya@gmail.com

~ Let Us Build the House of God ~

Construction Phase #1

Yo, it’s me again. So sorry this blog hasn’t been updated for quite some time. Don’t worry this blog is still alive. We were just busy with our reports, CA, etc because you know; school really likes to give us so many things near recess.

By the way, talking about recess, it means Activity Day I is around the corner! Yes, our very first activity day will be on Thursday, 28th September 2006, 2.00 – 8.00 PM @ CAYC, Hougang. The fee is $7 per person. The theme is: Construction Phase #1. Remember our theme “Let Us Build the House of God”? This activity day will serve as the starting point to build the House of God in NTU, especially in CSA. So, come and let us share the fun together ;) Oh yeah, dinner will be provided. We will have dinner together under the moonlight (if there is any hehehe).

Okie, now I want to reveal a little secret. Talking about the venue, actually previously we planned to do the activity day at Marina Bay. But recent weather doesn’t really assuring to have an outdoor activity. So we were trying to look for an indoor place which is affordable. Some places come to mind, such as Adrianto’s Condominium at Choa Chu Kang, CAYC, and…school…(yeah, I mean NTU). It is so sad lah having activity day at school. Luckily, we were able to get a place at CAYC and the price is affordable. Yeah, God always provides!

Those staying in hall may find Hougang a bit too far. So, here is a suggestion. You can gather at Boon Lay MRT Station and go to Hougang as a group. We will have some Excos organize the people to go together. We are also thinking of providing a transport back to NTU so that after that tiring day you don’t have to take MRT and buses back to hall. We will update you again for confirmation. So, please look out for the e-Miracle sent to you, okie?

As for the programs, I won’t tell you anything. You have to come and find out by yourself ;).

Oh yeah, for those of you thinking of going, please send an SMS for confirmation to Cheryl (90400861) as we need a rough number on how many people will turn up at the day itself. If you have further questions or doubts, you can just send comments in this blog. We will answer as soon as we can ;).

We’ll see you there!

Alvin on behalf of the 16th Exco
~ Let Us Build the House of God ~

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Starting our Journey of Faith...

Hello, everyone!! Last Wednesday, we have celebrated the investiture mass together. That means, the 16th have been officially Ex-Co now, succeeding the 15th Ex-Co. We, the 16th, want to promote a good communication with all the members. This blog is only one of our efforts.

I want to share with you a verse in bible. It’s from John 10:14.
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

I believe that before we outreach to all of you, we should introduce ourselves first, especially for those of you who haven’t known who we are. So, here goes nothing:

click to see larger image

Top, from left to right: Br. Kelvin, Marcel, Bobby, Charlene, Cheryl, Yessica, Jocelyn, Prof. Stephen.

Bottom, from left to right: Prof. Harianto, Amy, Ignatius, Alvin, Archbishop Nicholas Chia, Gibran, Wira, Randy, Tobias, Fr. Jivan.

You can find more about us here. Once again, we would like to ask for your support, to build the House of God in NTU together.

God Bless!

~ Let Us Build the House of God ~

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thank you all...

Hey everyone, Greg here. Well, this has been in the pipeline for quite a while now. I never knew how I'd end up saying this, but I guess God provides us with the means along the way.

In case you haven't heard already, I've quit NTU to puruse a Mass Communications degree in the Management Development Institute of Singapore, or MDIS. Academically, it was an easy decision to make, because I knew I wasn't going to be happy in Engineering, even less so in Civil Engine. However, it pains me to be leaving a bunch of wonderful friends that have, for the past year, been my family on campus away from home.

It's been a really blessed time getting to know and serve everyone out there in CSA. I don't know how to thank all of you out there because each of you has touched my life, one way or another. I'll never forget the times we've met as a community to pray or have fun, nor will I forget that fateful day in Hall 12 Function Hall (especially Bobby's super tough questions...). I hope we all stay together as one family united in Christ, for I promise I'll still be around whenever God permits me. If anyone ever tells me I've wasted a year in NTU, I can always safely look to all of you and say that none of that time had gone to waste.

That being said, let us build this community of God with the 16th Ex-Co. I think CSA has a very, very vibrant future ahead, so let's all chip in and help achieve their vision!

God love you all. =)

Adding My Voice...

Just wanted to say that this is a timely development. Many CSA members already have blogs and it should come to no surprise that CSA would one day have its own blog. Here's hoping that CSA Voices will be a true representation of the CSA Family online!

Thank God It's Friday!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Join Us!

Hello, all!!! I'm so excited to see so many of you tagging at the tag board. Thanks! Let us make this blog more lively! But then you might think, "Is tagging all I can do?" The answer is a definite "No!"

You can give comments :D. No need to sign up for blogger, just click comments and start writing. Now, for those of you who are keen to do more than tagging and commenting, you are more than welcome to post something here!

How to do that? Easy, just send your name and email address to alvin.pandrya@gmail.com and wait for the invitation. Please note that in order to become a member of CSA Voices, you need to have a blogger account. But I think that shouldn't be a problem, just create one :D. It is not difficult.

So, what are you waiting for? Join Us!

God Bless,

~ Let Us Build the House of God ~

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CSA Voices is Here!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, welcome to the Catholic Students’ Apostolate Official Blog! We, the 16th Exco, believes that CSA members should be involved more in the growth of CSA, hence the theme “Let Us Build the House of God”. Remember, CSA is more than just a club, it is a church, us. And, we still cling to our vision which is to create a community-driven CSA. We purposely name our blog “CSA Voices” because this is where you can voice out your ideas, opinions, comments, everything! So, feel free to give comments, share, or even just say hi at the tag board. Last but not least, enjoy and expect something new in this blog everyday! God Bless Us!

With love,

The 16th