CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Starting our Journey of Faith...

Hello, everyone!! Last Wednesday, we have celebrated the investiture mass together. That means, the 16th have been officially Ex-Co now, succeeding the 15th Ex-Co. We, the 16th, want to promote a good communication with all the members. This blog is only one of our efforts.

I want to share with you a verse in bible. It’s from John 10:14.
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

I believe that before we outreach to all of you, we should introduce ourselves first, especially for those of you who haven’t known who we are. So, here goes nothing:

click to see larger image

Top, from left to right: Br. Kelvin, Marcel, Bobby, Charlene, Cheryl, Yessica, Jocelyn, Prof. Stephen.

Bottom, from left to right: Prof. Harianto, Amy, Ignatius, Alvin, Archbishop Nicholas Chia, Gibran, Wira, Randy, Tobias, Fr. Jivan.

You can find more about us here. Once again, we would like to ask for your support, to build the House of God in NTU together.

God Bless!

~ Let Us Build the House of God ~


Blogger Petey said...

It depends on what is 'the point' that you claim we're missing, I guess. *LOL*

Indeed, you seem to have gotten the message that I hoped to bring to both the newly elected 16th as well as the rest of CSA.

To use your words, when choosing to 'build the house of God', one must first remember that the 'house of God' is not a church building, but rather each person where the 'Spirit dwells' - a people that needs to constantly 'listen to and act on the word of God'.

There does not always have to be a DIRECT connection between the readings at Mass. After all, isn't it the purpose of the homily to draw the many subtle connections present in both readings?

9/19/2006 9:41 AM  

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