CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Monday, October 29, 2007

CSA Retreat 2007

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

How are you all doing? Fine? I pray that you all are doing fine despite the quizzes, projects, reports, and other compulsory stuffs that you need to do as a student. Or maybe not so much as a student, but as a part of a community or an organization, be it CSA or any other community or organization. May God bless all of our work that all those can be used for His glory.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the purpose of this writing is to invite you to CSA retreat 2007 that is going to be held right after the exams on 3-5 December 2007 at the church of Saint Teresa. Why should we have a retreat after we just have finished the semester? While it is a practical thing to do since it is holiday, it is more on because we need a quite time to reflect on our journey of life, be it our journey in the semester that will have just passed, or be it our journey of life as a whole. This will bring us closer to God and to the others, such as our family, friends, or maybe those outside there that we may previously do not care. This is true because a deepening relationship with God should also bring us closer to the others. Therefore, that is why occasional retreat is very healthy for our spirituality and happiness. Not to mention for others, indirectly.

The theme of the upcoming retreat is Footprints: The way back home. What does this theme signify? Footprints signifies reflection and home signifies the home of love and peace that we ran away from. Picture the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11 – 32) who ran away from his father's house into some foreign land just to waste his father's money in reckless living. We, in some way, are also like the prodigal son, who ran away from His grace and focused on our reckless living. Therefore, during the retreat, we are going to trace our footprints back in which we may hope that this will lead us back to our father's home, where we will find the true happiness inside.

Last but not least is that, of course, in our journey (be it our journey of life, or our retreat journey), we will not be lonely. Just as it is depicted in the poster, the love of Jesus will be with us always. He who is patient, loving, and faithful.

Best regards,

Gibran Limi Jaya
CSA 17'th Executive Committee
Spiritual Officer
"To make our home in Jesus"


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