CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Updates on Christmas Party!

Hi all CSA sisters and brothers :)
I'm glad to announce the details of our Christmas Party...

Date: 3rd Dec 2006, Sunday
Time: 6pm-11pm
Place: NTU Alumni Club (near Buona Vista MRT.. Walking distance)
Theme: Starry Starry Night
Dress code: Smart Casual, with something that has a star on it. It can be an accessory, a temporary (or permanent if u'd like) tattoo, a badge...etc. :)

Actually, we had a few suggestions for themes such as the following:
1) Mexican Fiesta
2) Retro
3) Nightmare before Christmas
4) Something about snow...

But after thinking and discussing about it, the SP subcomm decided that it was more appropriate to have our current theme "Starry starry night"... in relation to the star that led the shepherds to the stable where our Saviour Jesus Christ was born. :)

Well now that the technical details are over and done with =X we can get down to the fun part.. the planning of our activities! =D and you, yes YOU, can have a hand in this as well =D

So far we've come up with ideas such as limbo rock, obstacle course (don't worry it's not those v exhausting kinds we see at FOC.. just we haven't come up w an appropriate name for it.. just have to do certain stuff while holding spaghetti or something with a partner =P), and another game where we stick words on each others forehead.. then we try to make each other say that word on our own foreheads. Whoever says the word on their own foreheads will have to forfeit. =P Do you guys have any suggestions for more activities? =) Mayb games for grps of.. urm.. 2o people? =)

Well.. what do you guys think of our planning so far? =) Give your comments ya.. and pls contribute ideas for the activities if u all have any ok? =D Here is where u can voice our any thoughts (good or bad >.<) as well as suggestions.. and we really appreciate your comments! =)

So... I really hope u guys will come n support our christmas party :) and that u guys will have a smashin' good time that night as well! =D

Thanks!! =D

Cheryl Seow
~ Let us Build the House of God~

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Recalling “Let Us Build the House of God”

It has been about 2 months since the 15th exco passing over to the 16th exco. It is relatively a short period but nonetheless we have experienced so many things. Investiture, Activity Day I, workshops, census, and of course not forgetting all the weekly activities. And now that we have reached the end of the first semester, let us take a brief moment and reflect on what we have gone through together.

Let us recall our theme, “Let Us Build the House of God”. What is the “House of God”? Let us now see this in different perspectives. Personally, I think the “House of God” includes everyone of us. Each of us is the houses of God, the place where God can dwell and reign. Jesus has been more than willing to live in us. It is just a matter whether we want to build ourselves spiritually to provide a convenient place for Jesus within our heart and welcome him sincerely.

CSA is meant to facilitate this personal growth of every member through all the ministries. So, here are some questions to ask ourselves:

  • Have I been open to the community? To God?
  • What have I gained from CSA?
  • How far have I grown spiritually?

From another point of view, the House of God can also be defined as CSA itself. A strong house is built upon strong foundation, which is the church. All of us are the foundations of CSA. Exco alone will not be enough to create a 'big' house for everyone. But together, we can create a house which is peaceful, where everyone works as one, shares fun and joy together.

Talking about contributing to CSA, some people may wonder why the people now in the 16th exco wanted to be exco in the first place. Well, as for me, it was because I have gained a lot from CSA and I wanted to contribute something in return. It is His call and being an exco is my answer. Of course, you don't have to be an exco to grow CSA. Even the role of member plays important part for the growth of CSA. So, another question need to be asked is “What does God want me to do?”, “What am I supposed to do being a CSA member?”

It is indeed heartwarming when people are satisfied with our service. But, I believe everyone has his/her own expectations towards CSA. To be honest, the exco would not be able to fulfill all those expectations. Some of you may not agree with the way we do things. In that case, please kindly inform us so that we will be able to address the issue. An idea will forever remain an idea without being communicated. By voicing out your idea, you actually help the exco to stay true to our vision and mission. It also means you have involved yourself in building the House of God together.

In conjunction with the theme, I would like to invite all of you who have read this, to tell us how your experiences so far with our services. Feel free to post your comments under this topic. Your feedback will be precious to us and give us the strength to carry on and to serve better in the upcoming semester. The joy of being able to serve well will be our reward.

With love,



Hi all,

It is just a small question that was suddenly stumbled on.

"What is the first and foremost thing that a leader should have?"

The interesting part, I believe, lies not in the question, but in the answers. Therefore, I really and humbly hope for your comment.

Thank you.

In Christ

Friday, October 20, 2006

As the dreaded 'E'-word approaches...

Put your hope in Yahweh, be strong, let your heart be bold, put your hope in Yahweh. (Ps 27: 14)

The psalms are an extremely rich source of prayer language, simply because the verses from there form such beautiful poems. Even translated, the splendour of the imagery and language used is not lost. Some of the most beautiful prayers can be found there.

However, what strikes me most is how ageless the psalms are. It is just so uncanny that the emotions, the sufferrings, the joys and trials of the Israelites all those years ago mirror our own life experiences today, even after all these years and all the change that has occurred. Indeed, it is somewhat of a comfort to know that in our troubles, that someone else was experiencing exactly the same thing thousands of years ago. Our life struggles are timeless.

Yahweh is near to the broken-hearted, he helps those whose spirit is crushed. (Ps 34: 18)

While I doubt the Israelites had to worry about exams, I'm pretty sure they had much graver matters to attend to. Back when they were experiencing the toils of strife and exile, they felt that God had left them for dead, just like how we sometimes feel when the chips are stacked against us in times of stress or trouble.

Yahweh guides a man's steps,
they are sure, and he takes pleasure in his progress;
he may fall, but never fatally,
since Yahweh supports him by the hand. (Ps 37: 23-24)

However, God will never hang us out to dry. He's always there, through the good times and the bad. We will stumble along the way, but as Jesus has shown us along the way to Calvary, God knows what it is like for us. He will never give us a burden too heavy to shoulder, for He knows that the strength to carry on is inside us.

Commit your fate to Yahweh,
trust him and he will act:
making your virtue clear as the light,
your integrity as bright as the moon. (Ps 37: 5-6)

For my part, I put my trust in you. (Ps 55: 23)

We are in a relationship with God: He knows us and has empowered us with the strength to do what must be done. But without our faith and trust in Him, the relationship is just one-way traffic. We must believe that no matter what happens, it is all part and parcel of His plan. Every joy and every sadness. Every success and every failure. It is imperative to wholly trust in His plan which is above all human logic and comprehension.

And from that trust, He will reward everyone accordingly. Sometimes not the perceived reward we seek like in the parable of the vineyard labourers, but God will give us the ample return for our struggles. We just have to keep doing what must be done, and trust God's plan for us.

For you have been my help
In the shadow of your wings I rejoice
My soul clings to you
Your right hand holds me fast (Ps 63: 7-8)

Even in this trying period, where deadlines are approaching and pressure rising, may we always remember that God is with us, just as He was with the Israelites in their time of dire need. We may feel tired. We may feel directionless. We may feel that all hope is lost. We may feel like giving up. But we must counter these feelings of despair, and continue to soldier on. Because we must fight on, with the knowledge that God wants to give us our deserved reward, lift us up and see us happy.

All the best for your assignments, projects, quizzes and exams my friends, take care and God bless you all always. Let us fight the good fight!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Christmas Party is coming!!!

Umm I know it is still more than a month away and someone may blame me for giving a holiday mood in this time of exam period hehehe. Nonetheless, the 16th Exco has started organizing it!!!

Q: So, when is it?
A: It is on either the 2nd or the 3rd of December 2006, just after we finish our exam!

Q: Why so early, I thought Christmas is on the 25th?
A: You're right, dude. Well, there are a lot of international students in CSA. During Christmas, they tend to go back to their home country. We want to share the fun to the whole members of CSA. So, we hope that they will be willing to delay their flight home just for few days to celebrate Christmas together. The more the merrier, isn't it?

Q: Venue?
A: It is still to be confirmed for now. We are working on it ;)

Q: Why are you telling us so early?
A: So that you can plan your holiday from now, of course! Now that we have told you about the date, please reserve that day for the Christmas Party, okay?

Well, that's about it. Don't forget about it when you plan your holiday, k? If you have any further enquiries, feel free to send comments below.

~Let Us Build the House of God~

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A little something...

Here's a little poem I dug up while clearing out my room today. I have no recollection who gave it to me (if it's even mine for that matter...) or when it was given, but I think it's a sweet little poem so I thought I'd share it with everyone.

There's a Miracle called "Friendship"
That dwells within the heart
And you don't know how it happens
Or when it gets its start

But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift
And you realize that friendship
Is God's most precious GIFT.

Hope you liked it. Have a great week ahead people! =)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"Are you jealous on my account?"

I thought this weekend's Scripture readings were a very good reminder of how we should not be close-minded to the working of God and His Holy Spirit just because it does not come to the "right person", or at the "right time" or the "right place". In this new academic year, let us challenge ourselves to look at people and situations not with our own biasness, but with the eyes of God - who can turn all things into good.