Recalling “Let Us Build the House of God”
It has been about 2 months since the 15th exco passing over to the 16th exco. It is relatively a short period but nonetheless we have experienced so many things. Investiture, Activity Day I, workshops, census, and of course not forgetting all the weekly activities. And now that we have reached the end of the first semester, let us take a brief moment and reflect on what we have gone through together.
Let us recall our theme, “Let Us Build the House of God”. What is the “House of God”? Let us now see this in different perspectives. Personally, I think the “House of God” includes everyone of us. Each of us is the houses of God, the place where God can dwell and reign. Jesus has been more than willing to live in us. It is just a matter whether we want to build ourselves spiritually to provide a convenient place for Jesus within our heart and welcome him sincerely.
CSA is meant to facilitate this personal growth of every member through all the ministries. So, here are some questions to ask ourselves:
- Have I been open to the community? To God?
- What have I gained from CSA?
- How far have I grown spiritually?
From another point of view, the House of God can also be defined as CSA itself. A strong house is built upon strong foundation, which is the church. All of us are the foundations of CSA. Exco alone will not be enough to create a 'big' house for everyone. But together, we can create a house which is peaceful, where everyone works as one, shares fun and joy together.
Talking about contributing to CSA, some people may wonder why the people now in the 16th exco wanted to be exco in the first place. Well, as for me, it was because I have gained a lot from CSA and I wanted to contribute something in return. It is His call and being an exco is my answer. Of course, you don't have to be an exco to grow CSA. Even the role of member plays important part for the growth of CSA. So, another question need to be asked is “What does God want me to do?”, “What am I supposed to do being a CSA member?”
It is indeed heartwarming when people are satisfied with our service. But, I believe everyone has his/her own expectations towards CSA. To be honest, the exco would not be able to fulfill all those expectations. Some of you may not agree with the way we do things. In that case, please kindly inform us so that we will be able to address the issue. An idea will forever remain an idea without being communicated. By voicing out your idea, you actually help the exco to stay true to our vision and mission. It also means you have involved yourself in building the House of God together.
In conjunction with the theme, I would like to invite all of you who have read this, to tell us how your experiences so far with our services. Feel free to post your comments under this topic. Your feedback will be precious to us and give us the strength to carry on and to serve better in the upcoming semester. The joy of being able to serve well will be our reward.
With love,
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