CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Prayer for our persecuted Brothers and Sisters

Hi all,

Just want to share something that I found.
This prayer is taken from www.wau.org, their daily meditation of 29'Th November 2006. It is a beautiful prayer in intercession for the people who are being persecuted.

"Father, we come before you in intercession for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted in distant countries and right in our own neighborhoods. You know each of them by name! We cry out to you for those whose voices have become weak or silent. You are their hope of protection and salvation. Come and rescue all who suffer for the sake of your name. You are the refuge for those who have been cast down. Come and let the warmth of your love enkindle the fire of faith and steadfast hope in them!

Jesus, you never once grasped for recognition. Instead, you humbled yourself to the point of death on the cross. Pour your divine humility into the hearts of our persecuted brothers and sisters. In the midst of their trials, fill them with the joy of being formed into your image. Let your life in them shine as a witness. As they decrease, come and increase in them! Part the heavens and let them see you standing at the right hand of the Father!

Lord, we pray that your precious blood will fall upon your people and dissolve any hatred they may feel toward their persecutors. By your Holy Spirit, may the mercy of God well up in their hearts so that, in the face of such mercy, their persecutors might turn to you in repentance. May they see that it is you, the Son of God, whom they are persecuting. Jesus, let your mercy triumph!

Holy Spirit, rain down your wisdom and boldness to empower our brothers and sisters to proclaim the truth of the gospel clearly and fearlessly. May your words be firmly planted in them so that they will know how to respond to their persecutors. Fill them with the resolve to cling to you and you alone. Remind them that they are not alone, for you remain closer than a brother at every moment. Let the love of the Father and Son overshadow them. Set them free from fear and keep their hearts lifted high."

Not a hair of your head will perish. (Luke 21:18)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Exams are over.... for some...

Congratulations to those who are done with their exams... *glares at Fiana and Sarah*

For those, like me, who still have a couple of papers left to go, ganbatte! Trust in the Lord God, our Rock and our Redeemer.

Psalm 144
Blessed be the LORD, my rock,
who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war.
My mercy and my fortress,
my stronghold, my deliverer,
My shield, in whom I trust,
who subdues my people under me.
O God, I will sing a new song to you;
with a ten.stringed lyre I will chant your praise,
You who give victory to kings,
and deliver David, your servant from the evil sword.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Not to be Exam Minded in the Exam Period

Hi all,

It is the second day of the exam when I wrote this.
How is it your first day of exam? Or maybe how is your exam days (if you read this at a later time)? Busy preparing the upcoming exam/s? Is it boring or are you actually enjoying it? Feeling nervous?
How is your exam also, if you have attended an exam or more? Dissapointing or satisfactory?

Dear friends, in this exam period, I believe that all of us are busy preparing the exam. Study!!Study!!Study!! Yep, we need the spirit!! Never lose heart in studying!! Pray a lot for the exam!! In the end, if our result is good, we will be happy and also that our future will be more guaranteed =p. Then, putting out a lot of effort will be a real worth.
But, how if the result does not meet our expectation.... Yeah....What can we do? Nothing will change the result. As long as we have given our best, I believe that God will bless it. What if we did not give our best......That's......Let's try our best next time =) + pray so that we are forgiven for our lack of effort. We also have to forgive ourself, too, and not to be too dissapointed with ourselves. There are still other chances.

Hey, I went out of the topic that I would like to write, hahaha. Let's get back to the track =p.
Dear friends, actually, how important do you think that our exam is?
Woaaah, do I ask a silly question? It is certainly very important!!
Then, I'd ask, how is that very important =p, haha.
Oh, sooooo important that I cannot live without it.......errrrrr, it is not as exteme as this right? Hahaha.
Yes, exam is very important, yet, I believe, there are still other things that are also important.

One of my friends told me that he does not want to be exam minded during the exam period. Even though he is studying, he does not want to forget other things that are also important. What does he mean?
Hmm, maybe he does not want to be soooooo fierce while he is preparing for his exam. If a friend asked him a favor, he does not want to just say "sorry, I am busy" and regret that actually his friend really needs his help.
Maybe he does not want to lose the good habit that he has during non-exam period, such as sleeping at 12pm and wake up at 7am every day to maintain a good healthy body (for me, sometimes, I sleep accidentally and make my sleeping time really uncontrollable >.<).
Or maybe to play sport games so that he still have a good exercise during his exam period.
Or maybe to be still reading newspaper.
Or maybe to be still able to pray or read bible amidst the business of exam preparation.

Yeah, I guess, even though it is exam period, it does not mean that "exam is my life", hahaha. So, how are you doing your days in this exam period? Wish you all the best, okay? Wish you all also so that you can enjoy your exam period =)

Yup, the end of my writing. Is it useful? Is it understandable >.<, hehe? Is there anything that you'd like to share? Is there anything wrong with my writing >.< ?
Please give comments if you would like to. Thank you! and God bless!

In Christ,

~Let Us Build the House of God~
P.S.: During the Christmas party, the excos would like to do a performance =p, watch us