CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What do these phrases have in common?

Open Doors... Nuts About You... See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil... A Sprinkle of Salt...

Yes, many of you may have guessed it already... they're the themes of the Freshmen Orientation Camp for the past four years! The FOC is a regular fixture in our CSA timetable, the opportunity for us as community to come together and welcome a whole new batch of brothers and sisters.

This year, 2007, what will our theme be? Well, that could be up to you to decide! Become a part of the new FOC committee by contacting Ashley or any member of the 16th Ex-Co! Be one of the first to welcome the new freshmen to our family of faith here in NTU and show them how they can have fun and grow in their faith at the same time.

If you want to serve CSA in that special way, in being a part of the Mystery, Communion and Mission of the Catholic Church, then consider joining the FOC comm.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Prayer of Blessing

Number 6:24-26
The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

This is a very beautiful prayer of blessing that was taught by God via Moses to Aaron for the people of Israel that was in their pilgrimage in the desert. The people of Israel are afraid of their unknown future in the desert. But, God says to them via this prayer that He will be with them always. He will bless and keep them, He will let His face to shine upon them and be gracious to them, He will look upon them kindly and give them peace.

So, God is with us always forever and ever, don't be afraid no matter how hard or how easy our life or what we do, or etc. How do you think to believe this? I leave this up as an open question but not for an answer ^^, coz the answer lies in our hearts, I believe.

for more, see http://www.wau.org/meditations/meditations.asp?month=1&day=1&year=2007&x=0&y=0