CSA Voices

NTU CSA Voices is a blog maintained by the 17th Exco. This is the place for you to voice out your ideas, suggestions, sharings, and everything for the growth of NTU CSA.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ministry Appreciation Mass

Wednesday, 20 August 2008.
6 PM.

This Wednesday, 20 August, everybody call it Subcomm Appreciation Mass, but I prefer to call it Ministry Appreciation Mass.

To me, CSA is never a club so the members are not supposed to be sub-committee member. To me, CSA is a Church; watch out the capital 'C'. And the Catholic Church has ministries in it to minister the Gospel to the member and to all, a Church has ministries to minister the richness of the Church (the Sacraments together with the sanctifying grace, etc) to the members to live their lives according to the Gospel and the Magisterium of the Church.

A Church is not a church. CSA is a Church. And, we too have ministries in CSA such as the Mass Ministry, ACTS Ministry, Publicity and Publication Ministry, Spritual Ministry, CPG Ministry, Music Ministry, Special Project Ministry, and Legion of Mary Ministry. All of these ministries work together to build the body of Christ.

Christifideles Laici
, an encylical written by late Pope JP II, encouraged all lay people to be apostles of Christ to the world. In Baptism, like Jesus, we are invested as priests, prophets, and kings. That is to say that we have the same task as Jesus to proclaim the Good News to the end of the earth.

You all are called to serve in active ministries in CSA: to grow together in Christ and to help others grow in the image of Christ. Remember Jesus's call when he said "the harvest is large but the workers are few." The same call resounds today to you and me. If you think that you may not qualify, let me share a piece of advise that my senior told me before, God qualifies those he choose. Moreover, it is Jesus's promise that he will be with us till the end of time.

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